BGP Communities

General Communities:

  • 9009:10000 - Prefix learnt from Transit
  • 9009:20000 - Prefix learnt from IXPNI
  • 9009:30000 - Prefix learnt from PNI
  • 9009:666 - RTBH

Localisation Communities:

  • 9009:100 - Prefix originated in Europe
  • 9009:200 - Prefix originated in US & Canada
  • 9009:300 - Prefix originated in Asia
  • 9009:400 - Prefix originated in Australia

Prepend Communities:

  • 9009:1[1-3]000 - Prepend 1,2,3 to IP Transit
  • 9009:2[1-3]000 - Prepend 1,2,3 to IXPNI
  • 9009:3[1-3]000 - Prepend 1,2,3 to PNI

Announce Communities:

  • 9009:19000 - No-Announce to IP Transit
  • 9009:29000 - No-Announce to IXPNI
  • 9009:39000 - No-Announce to PNI

Local-Pref Communities:

  • 9009:44250 - Higher than Customer default
  • 9009:44180 - Lower than Customer default
  • 9009:44080 - Lower than anything, Last resort Backup


  • 9009:666